As a custom that I've been following for the last 6 months, I am all set to wrap up the activities of August. This wrap-up has made me reflect on the tasks and be more thoughtful in my planning for prioritizing and executing them.
As I am participating in the #4articles4weeks challenge, I have decided to publish this post under open genre for Week 4 as there's no restriction for the genre.
Accomplishment in Hashnode
I wrote the following articles in Hashnode in the month of August. Thanks to the team of Hashnode for organizing #4articles4weeksChallenge for helping me to overcome writer's block for this technical blog.
I got mentioned by Hashnode on Twitter and LinkedIn for my submissions.
Status of #100DaysOfX Challenge
I started a MOOC-Data Analysis with Python on 10th Aug. I had to leave it in the midway because the final date of the exam was 24th Aug and I had just 2 weeks left in between to cover a huge portion.
I completed two projects from the course Legacy Responsive Web Design from Freecodecamp.
I reached the 99th day of #100DaysOfWriting by posting this article on Hashnode. I have not been so regular in my personal blog because of suffering from Writer's block. There's a post that lies unfinished as a draft which I am working on and will publish shortly.
- Last Stop Auschwitz by Eddy De Wind. Read my review here.
- Turn your mate into soulmate by Arielle Ford
Language Learning in DuoLingo
I completed a 400days strike in DuoLingo in German and Finnish.
I also completed the monthly challenge of August.
Movies that I watched
Laal Singh Chadha
It's the remake of Forest Grump. You can watch the trailer [here.] ( Since I watched Forrest Grump twice, all the scenes from this movie were running in my mind. The director of the movie has given Indian touch to this movie. It's about the life of Lal, starred by Aamir Khan, who has a low IQ and is often looked down upon by society. He's disabled and his classmates in school bully him. He befriends Roopa, played by Kareena Kapoor, who becomes his biggest supporter in life. This movie unfolds the way the movie Forrest Grump has but with scenes from the Indian political situation during the Emergency. This movie sends a message that to be successful in life, one has to be consistent in what he's doing without bothering the comments from the nay-sayers. It's a one-time watch for me.
Raksha Bandhan
You can watch the trailer here.. It's about the life of a panipuri seller, an orphan, who was taken care of by the adopter having 4 daughters. The main character has played by Akshay Kumar. As promised to his mother(adopter), he takes the responsibility to get his sisters married before getting himself married. He's the eldest among all and toils day and night to make savings to pay up for the dowry of their sisters. His eldest sister, after being married with a huge dowry, takes the extreme step of suicide under the harassment of her in-laws, on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan when his brother awaits her homecoming. The lead character realizes the importance of self-independence for his sisters and gets them married without a dowry. The movie basically wants to give the message to irradicate dowry from society but I feel it should have been scripted in a better way. I personally didn't enjoy so much watching this movie which failed to emphasize the central theme so strongly.
Personal Achievement
Relocation: I already mentioned in my previous Monthly Wrap-Up post that I got relocated to Finland with my hubby. We lived in a studio apartment in Helsinki for 1.5 months. On Aug,1st we moved to a 1-bedroom apartment closer to my husband's workplace. I love this apartment which is spacious and has a lovely balcony space.
Job Interviews: I have applied for around 30 job advertisements, mostly through LinkedIn. I am looking for positions in software development, and embedded software/hardware development involving the usage of C++, Qt, Python, SQL, MATLAB.I am interested to work in industries related to consumer electronics,power/energy and health-care. I was invited for the interviews of 5 companies out of which 3 were virtual. Out of these, I appeared in the second round of interviews of 2 companies whose results are pending. I am hopeful that I will be able to receive the joining letter very soon.
- Experience of participating in #4articles4weeks Challenge: I absolutely loved this concept of encouraging bloggers to be consistent especially when they face writer's block. I am very comfortable writing non-fiction articles or write-ups, my imposter syndrome comes to life as soon as I encounter technical topics. So, deadlines definitely help to improve focus and get things done within a stipulated time frame.
Target for the next month
- Completing Responsive Web Design Projects by freecodecamp
- Completing some of the pending articles for Tutorials of Qt
- Revising C++ Concepts
- Working on Open Source Projects of C++ and Python
- Being consistent on #100DaysOfCode
- Completing CSS art of a logo
Final Note
August was an eventful month for me with shifting to a new location and setting up an apartment to live comfortably. It feels so satisfying to get the comfort of the apartment set after a lot of effort. I hope that September will be even more fruitful than the previous month.