My halfway journey through the #100DaysOfCode Challenge
Sharing my experiences of #100DaysOfCode Challenge
This is a post to share my experience of participating in the #100DaysOfCoding Challenge. Since I reached the 50th day of this challenge on 21.03.2022, I thought to celebrate this day through this blogpost. I started this challenge on Jan 21, 2022 and it's 51 days to be precise from the day of starting. If I calculate the number of days between these two days through day-calculator, it came out to be 61 days.
That means I have not been so consistent in this challenge. I've missed days during weekends because I feel there should be fun in life, not only work. I have made a plan to reward myself with a movie during weekends because it definitely becomes quite hectic with a full-time job 0f 40 hours/ week plus managing household chores for a family of two.
I am not going to write about my motivation or strategy for this challenge as I've already discussed these in one of my previous posts. You can read more about my experience of coding for an hour for a monthhere. So, in this post, I will only be sharing the portions that I've covered so far and my future goal for this challenge.
What I covered in this challenge?
As per the rule , I've been posting my progress every day through my Twitter account - SwatiSarangi10
This is how my tweet of the 50th day looks like
- I completed course Postgre SQL Joins which was a free course by for the month of January 2022.
- I completed course SQL Practice Set in Postgre SQL which was a free course by for the month of February 2022.
- I started this Track-LearnSQL from A-Z ![LearnSQL_A-Z_Track.png] which I won as a scholarship by (
This track includes 7 courses to be completed. Here's a sneak peek into the track.
I've covered 6 courses from this track and the last course will be completed in a week.
Competitive Coding Platforms : LintCode: All Naive,Easy and Medium questions of SQL and Python LeetCode: Easy and some of the medium questions of SQL and Python
Started Basic HTML and HTML 5 of the course Responsive Web Design by FreeCodeCamp as recommended by Sachini Dissanayaka
What I had planned but left in the midway?
I left The Odin Project as I lost the interest with which I had started. Perhaps, I lost the focus or patience to read a lot of text which was replaced by freecodecamp.
I was following the book Web Design using HTML and CSS by Jeremy Osburn and Jennifer Smith. Some editors and tools did not interest me much. So, I left it in the midway.
Goals for the next 50 days of my challenge
- To complete the last Course of Learn SQL from A-Z track which is Group by Extensions in SQL.
To complete free Course CreatingBasic SQL Reports in Postgre SQL for month Mar,2022 by
To complete the course Responsive Web Design by FreeCodeCamp
If possible ,then to get started with the course Dive Deep Into Modern Web Development; a MOOC by University of Helsinki as recommended by Jorge Romero.
Final Note
I have been immensely helped by the idea of participating in #100DaysOfX challenge which has led to the development of constructive habits. It no longer have to push me for doing the task as a part of these challenges. I have definitely been able to accomplish more in a lesser time by being sincere and consistent because of these challenges.
If you've any suggestion or recommendations in your mind, please feel free to post it as comments.