How to create a form widget in QtCreator for entering personal details

Experimenting with Layouts

How to create a form widget in QtCreator for entering personal details


This is a program to create a form widget using objects of QLineEdit and QLabel. QLabel objects are used to show text whereas QLineEdit objects are used to take inputs from the users. These objects of QLineEdit and QLabel are arranged in Gridlayout.

Steps for implementation

Following are the steps to achieve this design:

Step 1: Create an object for the main widget (window) and set a title for it.

Step 2: Create an object for the GridLayout .

Step 3: Create objects of QLabel and corresponding QLineEdit. In this example, I've taken 3 entries. So, I've created 3 sets of objects of QLabel and QLineEdits.

Step 4: Now, it's time to add these widgets to the GLayout with the orientation of row and column. Repeat this step for all three sets of objects of QLabel and QLineEdit.

Step 5: Create an object of QPushButton and add it to the GLayout along with its orientation.

Step 6: Addition of all widgets to the GLayout is completed at Step 5 . Now, this GLayout is to be added to the main widget (window). Then, display the main widget.


#include "mainwindow.h"

#include <QApplication>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    QWidget *window = new QWidget;
    window->setWindowTitle("Personal Details");

    QGridLayout *glayout=new QGridLayout;

    QLabel *label1 = new QLabel("Name :");
    QLineEdit *txt1= new QLineEdit;

    QLabel *label2 = new QLabel("Address :");
    QLineEdit *txt2= new QLineEdit;

    QLabel *label3 = new QLabel("Profession:");
    QLineEdit *txt3= new QLineEdit;

    glayout ->addWidget(label1,0,0);
    glayout ->addWidget(txt1,0,1);

    glayout ->addWidget(label2,1,0);
    glayout ->addWidget(txt2,1,1);

    glayout ->addWidget(label3,2,0);
    glayout ->addWidget(txt3,2,1);

    QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("OK");
    glayout ->addWidget(button,3,0);

    return a.exec();



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